Setting Up & Running Campaigns in Instantly | Scribe

    Setting Up & Running Campaigns in Instantly

    • InstantlyInstantly
    • StripeStripe
    Start by navigating to the Campaigns section.
    Click "ADD NEW"
    Name your campaign and click "Continue".
    Start by adding your lead list to the campaign (you can skip this part if you do not have a list yet). To add a list, Click "Import".
    There are three options to uploading your leads. If you store your lead list in a Google Sheet, simply click "Google Sheets" then paste the link to your sheet. NOTE: Make sure the link is available to access for Anyone with the link.
    Paste the link then Click "Import"
    To upload your list via a CSV file, start by clicking "CSV".
    Once you upload the file, you will be prompted to map Instantly's variables to the columns in the sheet.
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    Pay attention to detail during this process. Sometimes the column don't map perfectly to the right variable. For instance, Apollo has two columns for the name of the company: 1. Company Name for Emails 2. Company Name The "Company Name" is the full legal name of the company (i.e. NewCo, LLC). The "Company Name for Emails" is the name of the company that you would use in normal conversation (i.e. NewCo). You will want to map the "Company Name for Emails" column with the "Company" variable in this case.
    Click here.
    When done, Click "UPLOAD ALL"
    Instantly will check for duplicates or contacts that do not have the correct information. Click "Upload".

    Creating Your Sequence

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    Creating your campaign sequence is a straightforward process.
    Paste in your message and make sure to input the correct variables like 'firstName' and 'Company' Click on the the 'lightening bolt' to see which variables are available for you to use.
    To A/B test different messages, Click "Add variant" and create a different version of the message.
    Paste in the second version of your message, Click "Save", then Click "Add step" to move on the second step in your sequence.
    Specify how many days should pass before sending the second message by inputing a number in to this field.
    Remember to Click "Save"
    Click "<Previous email's subject>"