Setting the Keepa Product Finder for Bundles Sourcing | Scribe

Setting the Keepa Product Finder for Bundles Sourcing

  • 0 step |
  • 28 seconds
  • KeepaKeepa
Navigate to the Product Finder and Set Your Max Sales Rank.
When sourcing bundles, I set it to something high but not too high. My max limit is about 100k but feel free to play around with it and see what results come up.
Enter the maximum amazon listing price.
For this demonstration, we'll say $30 is our max.
Set your root category
For this example, I am looking at grocery bundles. Other common bundles include: - Household items - Cleaning Supplies - Office Supplies - etc. This is far from all the categories that bundle and debundle well. There are tons of really great categories that are bundle-able, but I could be here all day if I were to source them all When in doubt, try it out!
Use the Text Field to filter
**Text Fields Tips and Tricks:** - "" tells the finder to only pull up listings that contain that specific string of words - If i said "pack of 12" I could see only the listings with the string "pack of 12" in it - \- tells the finder to filter out any listing with that specific word - \-water removes water multipacks from my search, as they are not transferrable per unit - this feature is stackable - want to add other keywords to it? all you have to do is add them to the list without any quotes. - This tells the finder to also only produce listings that contain those words in any order We're going to use the text fields to look for listings with bundle language terms like "pack"/"Bundle"/"Set"/etc.
In summary, these are all the filters I use
This is just a starting point for you to begin sourcing bundles.
Begin Sourcing Bundles - Look for bundles that are selling historically cheap on amazon. - Determine the per unit cost of the bundle - Source for the single unit listing - If the average price of the single listing is much higher than the per unit buy cost of the bundle, consider buying and debundling the ASIN for resale as single units.
When you find other words for the bundles you are looking through: - 12 Count - Pack of 12 - 12 Pack - Bundle - etc. Keep track of those keywords and run them through text fields and see what comes up!
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