Setting up a wallet on Optimism Sepolia testnet | Scribe

    Setting up a wallet on Optimism Sepolia testnet

    • Tyler W |
    • 8 steps |
    • 46 seconds
    • ChainidChainid
    • Ethereum-EcosystemEthereum-Ecosystem
    • TruefiTruefi
    • IsomorphIsomorph
    • EtherscanEtherscan
    • Google DocsGoogle Docs
    • ChainlistChainlist
    alert ordinal icon
    To test TrueFi contracts, users must first configure and fund their wallet on **Optimism Sepolia** testnet.
    To get started, navigate to <> and click "Add to Metamask". This will create a prompt in your wallet.
    Review and click "Approve" in wallet to add Optimism Sepolia testnet details.
    Review and click "Switch network" in wallet to switch to Optimism Goerli testnet.
    To fund your wallet with test ETH, go to <>(or similar faucet) and input your wallet address.
    Hit "Start Mining" and wait \~60 seconds until you generate &gt;0.01 ETH. Hit "Claim Rewards" button to receive ETH in your testnet wallet.
    (Optional) Get test USDC so you can test lending funds. Navigate to the testnet USDC contract at <>. Make sure you are on the "Write Contract" tab.
    Connect your wallet by clicking "Connect to Web3." Click "4. mint" and input your address into the `receiver` field. Next, Input the amount of test USDC you wish to mint, followed by 6 decimals. Then click write to queue the transaction.
    Connect your wallet by clicking "Connect to Web3." 
Click "4. mint" and input your address into the `receiver` field. Next, Input the amount of test USDC you wish to mint, followed by 6 decimals. Then click write to queue the transaction.
    Now that you have test ETH and test USDC in your wallet, you can proceed to test TrueFi contracts on Optimism Sepolia.