Setting up the Wildlife Insights user interface and using filters | Scribe

    Setting up the Wildlife Insights user interface and using filters

    • One Tam CommSci |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
    Once you are in your assigned deployment
    You can change the thumbnail size by clicking on these icons
    Tip! Find the settings that work best for you. \ It's often nice to start by doing a quick scan of the whole deployment and looking at the thumbnails.
    You can view more thumbnails at a time by clicking on this menu at the bottom of the page
    Tip! Sometimes when there are a lot of photos that appear to be the same thing, it's helpful to use Burst mode
    Use Burst view to group photos by time stamp and try out different numbers
    Tip! Marin Wildlife Watch are set up to take 3 photos, pause 5 seconds, and then take 3 more photos. The best Burst settings will depend on the habitat and animals on the camera and your own level of experience.
    In this example, this camera is located near a Dusky-footed Woodrat nest. Each burst corresponds roughly to a woodrat (or other rodent) scurrying on the branch. Check it out.
    Tip! You can also change thumbail size in this view\ Click these icons.
    Click "Status :  All"
    Click "Not blank"
    Click "Status :  Not blank"
    Click "Blank"
    Click here.
    You can use the Status filter to view images that the computer vision marked as Blank or Not Blank
    Alert! Notice that the computer vision may mark images with animals as Blank. For advanced Wildlife Insights users, always take some time to check the Blank images before bulk verifying.
    You can use the species list to see what the computer vision has suggested
    No CV result means that the computer vision did not give this an identification Click here. Click "Species"
    Click here.
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