Showing Zoom Chat Messages on your screen | Scribe

    Showing Zoom Chat Messages on your screen

    • Felippe Nardi |
    • 42 steps |
    • 59 seconds
      Let's see how to display chat messages from Zoom on your screen for the entire audience like this:

      Installing OBS

      To display a chat message on your screen, you will need to modify what people see when you are sharing your camera. To add something to our screen on Zoom we need to use an app that will intercept our camera image and modify it live. There are different apps in the market that can do this, but the most powerful one when it comes to designing interactive live experiences on Zoom is OBS, which is what we are going to be using. Download OBS: []( (It is free and works on Mac and Windows)
      If this is your first time using OBS you will see a Auto-Configuration Wizard pop up when you first open OBS. If you see it, select "I will only be using the virtual camera", click "Next" and "Apply Settings"
      If you missed this pop-up, you can go to Settings > Video and set 1920x1080 resolution for for both Canvas and Output, and leave FPS at 30.
      By the end of this step-by-step you'll have chat messages from Zoom appearing inside of OBS for you to chose from, and when you click one of them, they will appear on your screen for the entire audience.

      Installing the Chrome extension

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      You are going to need to use Chrome in the next steps
      We are going to install a Chrome extension named Social Stream Ninja. It is developed and maintained by me (Felippe Nardi), the founder of Inside The Show, and Steve Seguin, the creator of OBS Ninja. This extension works a little bit different them other extensions because you will not find it in the Chrome Extension Store. Here is the direct link to download it: [](
      Once you've downloaded the extension, find the zip file and extract it.
      Go to Chrome and enter "chrome://extensions" in your address bar
      Turn on the developer mode in the top right corner of the page you've opened
      Click to "Load unpacked" extension
      Find the folder you have extracted from the downloaded zip file and select it
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      You have successfully installed the Chat Overlay extension! Now let's connect it to OBS.

      One-time setup on OBS

      You are going to setup OBS so that you are able to see chat messages inside OBS and, without leaving OBS, bring selected messages on screen with one click. It will look something like this:
      Let's start by going to Chrome and finding that extension you've installed on the previous steps. Click in the "Puzzle" icon on the Chrome toolbar to bring the extensions popup window, find "Social Stream Ninja" and click the pin icon so that the extensions is fixed in you toolbar
      Click on the extension icon that appeared in your toolbar and enable the extension.
      Copy the link in the "Featured chat overlay" area