Dashboard Assist: Sign In / Sign Out Guests, Providers, Tours & Residents via the Dashboard | Scribe

Dashboard Assist: Sign In / Sign Out Guests, Providers, Tours & Residents via the Dashboard

  • AccushieldAccushield
Log into [https://dashboard.accushield.com](https://dashboard.accushield.com/landing)
Click "Add" from the homepage
If you're wanting to add a Visit, click "Visit" and choose the type of visitor you're wanting to add a visit for.
If adding a visit from a Family / Friend or Volunteer, you'll fill out the following fields: First, type in either their phone number or name in the "Phone/Name" field. Click "Search" once done.
If we're able to find that number or name in our database, we will present a list of profiles that match. Click the radio button next to the name of the correct person.
If we're unable to find the correct profile, that may mean that we don't have that person in our database. You can create an account for them by clicking "Create Profile" and filling in the needed details.
Our system will assume the visit is still in progress - but if you need to adjust the Sign-In Time, uncheck the "In Progress" box and change the day/time.
If you have multiple buildings created in the Dashboard, you may want to adjust the Building to represent the correct one the visitor is going to.
Choose their Reason for Visit.
If the reason for visit is to visit a resident - choose the resident(s) that the person is visiting. Multiple residents can be chosen.
If it's a group of visitors signing in, you will want to check the This Is A Group box and fill in the details.
Click "Save" once done.
If you're signing in a Provider, there will be a few unique fields to fill-in.
Including adding their Company Name and the type of Service they're providing today.
If the person is from a staffing agency and is being contracted to work an open shift - choose the "Fill a Shift" option for their Reason for Visiting.
Fill in the Shift Duration.
If you're signing in a Tour, there will be a few unique fields to fill-in.
Add in the "Phone/Name" field and then hit the Seach option.
You may need to click "Create Profile" so that the prospect's profile gets saved into our system.
Add in the correct number for the "Number of Additional People" field. This is the number of people that attended the tour. Hit Save once you're done.
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