Sign In / Sign Out Residents via the Dashboard | Scribe

    Sign In / Sign Out Residents via the Dashboard

    • AccushieldAccushield
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Add" from within the homepage of the Dashboard.
    Click "Resident Sign-Out"
    Check the box next to the name of every resident you'd like to sign-out. If signing-out multiple residents, check multiple boxes.
    Use the "Search by Name" field if you want to find a specific resident.
    Under the Time section, the Sign-Out In Progress option will be defaulted on.
    However you can uncheck Sign-Out In Progress if you want to adjust the timing and track residents who have left the building, but have already returned (for accurate reporting purposes)
    Optional: You can add in details about who the resident left with. If you're adding a single resident, you can click the Past People dropdown to see a list of five contacts this resident has previously left with.
    Optional: You can add in details about where the resident is going. If you're adding a single resident, you can click the Past Destination dropdown to see a list of five destinatons this resident has previously traveled to.
    Ensure your choices are correct and then hit Save
    Not only can you add a resident sign-in/sign-out via the homepage Insights page, but you also have that capability on the Resident Sign Out Log.
    To sign-in a single resident, navigate back to the homepage and click the Sign In icon under the Resident Signed-Out table.
    If your community has Screening Questions or Body Temperature settings turned on for residents, you'll need to fill those questions out. Click Save once done.
    Signing-in multiple residents is easiest from the Resident Sign Out Log, which can be found under the "Reports" tab.
    Simply check the box next to the name of every resident you want to sign in.
    And then click Sign In.
    If you have Screening Questions or Temperature Capture turned on for residents, you'll see an error at the top. This means you can only sign-in one resident at a time, rather than doing a bulk sign-in.
    If you don't receive an error, you can confirm the Sign-In Time and hit Save.