Student Email | Scribe

    Student Email

    • Effat University |
    • 6 steps |
    • 35 seconds
    • EffatuniversityEffatuniversity
    **How to access Effat Email?** \ \ Navigate to the University's website [](
    **How to access Effat Email?** \ \ Under E-Services, click on "Students Email"
    **How to access Effat Email?** \ Log into your account with your given **username** and default password.
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    It will then prompt you to update your password, type in your username in the shown format. (Effatuniversity\\yourusername)
    **How to access Effat Email?** \ Click the "Old password" field and enter your temporary password.
    **How to access Effat Email?** \ Now enter your new password in the two text boxes.
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    ## **The system accepts only STRICT password:** - Includes minimum 10 Characters - Doesn't include your name or family name - Includes a mix of upper case and lower case - Includes numeric digits - Includes symbols (#@^%) - Is not a repeat of a previous password
    **How to access Effat Email?** \ Click on submit to update your password.