SmartRecruiters Faculty Hiring Process | Scribe

    SmartRecruiters Faculty Hiring Process

    • Tyler LeClear Vachta |
    • 16 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • SmartrecruitersSmartrecruiters
    • ZoomZoom
    Within SmartRecruiters you can indicate where an applicant is within a hiring process as a way of tracking what steps have been completed for each applicant. Note that not all applicants need to move through each step.
    You can change the candidate's step in the process by clicking Move Forward or selecting a step from the dropdown. Click "Search Chair Verify Materials"
    You can change the candidate's step in the process by clicking Move Forward or selecting a step from the dropdown.
Click "Search Chair Verify Materials"
    Search Chair Verify Materials: The search chair verifies that the applicant provided coverletter, CV, references. Check the More > Screening questions and attachment sections.
    Search Chair Verify Materials: 
The search chair verifies that the applicant provided coverletter, CV, references. Check the More > Screening questions and attachment sections.
    If a candidate is missing materials use Emails > Templates > Missing Coverletter... template to request the missing information. Customize the message for the applicant.
    If a candidate is missing materials use Emails > Templates > Missing Coverletter... template to request the missing information. Customize the message for the applicant.
    When the candidate replies their attachments will be added to their profile.
    Once the chair has verified that the application is complete it can be moved forward to "Committee Review & Score"
    Once the chair has verified that the application is complete it can be moved forward to "Committee Review & Score"
    When search committee members review the position they can hover over In Review and choose to view only the applicants that are in the Committee Review and Score stage.
    Once a candidate has been reviewed - Top candidates move forward to Video Interview - Other candidates that meet requirements can Move into On Hold - Potential Fit - Candidates that do not meet requirements can be Rejected. The message comes from the search team, not an individual. Talk with Katie Boyle about your best approach.
    The search chair will be reminded to re-engage with any candidates in the Potential Fit - On Hold step after 14 days.
    Use the interviews tools to schedule interviews with a candidate. More info at [](
    Finalists should move to the Reference Check step. - Katie Boyle will reach out to request letters of reference and begin searching for transportation for candidates to come to campus for final interviews. Please ensure at least a week for letters of reference to be submitted. - Your School Director will be notified to reach out to finalists with information on salary ranges.\ -Share CV and coverletter for finalists with faculty in your department. - Begin scheduling final interviews
    Finalists should move to the Reference Check step.

- Katie Boyle will reach out to request letters of reference and begin searching for transportation for candidates to come to campus for final interviews. Please ensure at least a week for letters of reference to be submitted.
- Your School Director will be notified to reach out to finalists with information on salary ranges.\
  -Share CV and coverletter for finalists with faculty in your department.
- Begin scheduling final interviews
    After reference letters have been received the candidate will move to the Final Interview stage.
    After reference letters have been received the candidate will move to the Final Interview stage.
    After completing final interviews the committee should compose a summary of the candidate's strengths and weaknesses to submit to the School Director, Provost and President for review and final selection.
    After completing final interviews the committee should compose a summary of the candidate's strengths and weaknesses to submit to the School Director, Provost and President for review and final selection.
    The School Director, Provost, and or President will make a decision and move the candidate to offered stage.
    Once the offer is accepted HR will conduct a Background check, request the candidate's official transcripts, and initiate onboarding. The Search Chair and/or Department Chair will receive a new faculty checklist about 4 months before the new hire starts.
    Thank YOU for your time and energy in leading these essential searches.