Smartrecruiters - Create Adjunct Job Ad | Scribe

    Smartrecruiters - Create Adjunct Job Ad

    • Tyler LeClear Vachta |
    • 0 step |
    • 2 minutes
    Click the [+] icon (Create new job menu item) Click "Create job"
    In the Job Title text field search for "faculty" Select "TEMPLATE - FACULTY POSITION"
    In the "Enter job location" field type "Minneapolis, MN"
    Provide the required information in the Job Description and Qualifications sections. Click "NEXT"
    In the Job Classification dropdown choose Adjunct Faculty. For FLSA Status indicate "Exempt" Complete the rest of the fields. You may leave the FTE field blank.
    In "Position Reports To:" field type the name of the Department Chair/Program Director
    In the Type of Employment dropdown choose "Part-time"
    Click "NEXT"
    Click the Select Hiring Role dropdown next to your name and choose "Hiring Manager"
    In the blank hiring team row select the hiring role "VP/Dean" and choose your dean. Click the "Name or Email" field and search for your dean. Click "ADD TO TEAM"
    Most adjunct postings are 'evergreen' - they remain posted to allow candidates to apply at any time. Under Job Approvals choose add to include multiple positions in the approval path. For each position click the "Target Start Date" field. Choose any date .
    The request will be submitted to HR for review You will be notified when the position is posted and able to share it with potential candidates.

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