Spice Insight Dashboards - Vendors | Scribe

Spice Insight Dashboards - Vendors

  • Spice Admin |
  • 0 step |
  • 56 seconds
  • SpiceinsightSpiceinsight
Once you login to the Portal you will be redirected to **DASHBOARD** page
Spice Insight Dashboard Comprises of 4 Standard Widgets - **ORDER STATUS** - **ORDER EXCEPTION** - **SENT DOCUMENT - NOT ACKNOWLEDGED** - **SUPPLY CHAIN DATA NETWORK**


The First Widget in the Dashboard is **Order Status.** This tab displays real-time information about the status of orders. \ Order Status uses below Parameters to Provide Accurate information about Subscribed documents. - "**Not Confirmed**": Orders that have not been confirmed yet. - "**Not Shipped**": Orders that have not been shipped yet. - "**Not Invoiced**": Orders for which invoices have not been generated yet.
Hovering over the Bar will show the Number of Documents for the Parameter
To get full list of Documents in the category user needs to click on bar. \ \ A popup will show the list of documents which can be filter using Document number and can be exported into Excel Sheet using Excel button at the Right top.


This Widget highlights exceptions related to orders that requires attention. **Order Exceptions** uses below Parameters to Provide Accurate information about Subscribed documents. - "**POA Overdue**": Purchase Order Acknowledgments that are overdue or Submitted Late. - "**ASN Overdue**": Advanced Shipping Notices that are overdue. - "**Invoice Overdue**": Invoices that are overdue.


This Widget tracks documents that have been sent but not yet acknowledged by the recipients.\ **Sent Documents-Not Acknowledged** uses below Parameters to Provide Accurate information about Subscribed documents. - "**FA-PO**": Purchase Order acknowledgments that have not been acknowledged. - "**FA-ASN**": Advanced Shipping Notices that have not been acknowledged. - "**FA-Invoice**": Invoices that have not been acknowledged.


This Widget provides insights into the flow of documents within the supply chain network. **Supply Chain Data Network** tracks the overall volume of documents exchanged within the supply chain, including both incoming and outgoing documents.


Each Widget is added with 3 Main functionalities to make it easier to use. **Trading Partner**: Each of the Widget has Trading Partner Filter. If a Vendor is associated with more than 1 Trading Partner vendor can easily filter the data based on selected Trading Partner from the list.
**Select Date Range**: User can filter the data based on a specific Date range using Select date Ranger Filter.
**Excel Export:** Once user set up all the filter they can download the filter data into an Excel sheet for further use by - Clicking on the Bar. - A pop up will open up with filtered data - Click on the Excel option to download the filtered data into the Excel file.
Click this button.
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