Spread Sending an MMS Campaign | Scribe

    Spread Sending an MMS Campaign

    • Tall Bob |
    • 13 steps |
    • 29 seconds
    • TallbobTallbob
    • AtlassianAtlassian
    Navigate to [https://app.tallbob.com/distribution/mobile/mms](https://app-test.tallbob.com/distribution/mobile/mms)
    Select a landing page and video \[optional\] that you would want to send in the MMS Campaign and click on the 'Next Button'.
    Select your Sender ID. This will be the number or alphanumeric characters from which the customers would receive their messages from
    Enter the 'Subject Field'. This is a required field while sending a MMS Campaign
    Enter the Message Text. The Message Text is where you would provide your campaign content and landing page link \[if applicable\].
    Click on the "Insert Page URL" Link in the Message Text Field. If you are sending an MMS with a landing page, this is a required step as this link would fetch the landing page ID
    Select the file you want to send with your MMS in the File to Send Section. If you want to use a new file, click on the 'Upload Button' to upload the file that you want to send
    Once you have completed the above steps, click on the 'Next Button'
    Select the contacts to which you would like to send the MMS campaign and click on the 'Next Button' to land on the 'Settings Tab'
    Click on the 'Gradually Send Campaign Checkbox'
    information ordinal icon
    There are two fields that can be customised during Spread Send\ \ **Interval Time** - The time selected in this field denotes the interval in which every batch send gets processed\ **Period of Time** - The period of time field denotes the time in which the campaign gets sent to all of the selected contacts
    Select the Interval Time and period of time according to your campaign.
    Finally enter the campaign name and click on the 'Send' Button
    Verify your campaign name and click on the 'Send Button'