Start amberSearch by shortcut | Scribe

    Start amberSearch by shortcut

    • Bastian Maiworm |
    • 9 steps |
    • 29 seconds
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      Find out how to start a search in amberSearch without having amberSearch open!
      Click the three dots "⁝" in the top right corner of Chrome. Alternatively: Skip steps 1-4 by copying this link into the search bar of Chrome: chrome://settings/searchEngines
      Click on "Settings"
      Click on "🔍 Search Engine" in the Chrome menu
      Click on "Manage search engines and website search"
      In the 'Website Search' section, click "Add"
      Write in the line under search engine "amberSearch"
      Under Abbreviation you enter the abbreviation that is most memorable for you
      For the URL you enter the appropriate URL. This is the URL you use to get to amberSearch with the addition "search?q=%s". The format looks like this: https:// XXX .ambersearch .de /search?q=%s. In your case the URL could be composed differently. Important: Don't use additions like "www." If you don't find the right URL, please contact your contact person. He/she will be happy to help you.
      Click on "Add"
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      Perfect! If you now enter your selected shortcut and a search query in the address bar, amberSearch will open by itself.