Step-by-Step Guide: Registering for a course as a company-sponsored participant | Scribe

    Step-by-Step Guide: Registering for a course as a company-sponsored participant

    • SMU Academy |
    • 10 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • EteamsEteams
    alert ordinal icon
    Alert! Please ensure that you have registered for an account before registering for a course via the unique link. For a step-by-step guide on registering for an account, please refer to this link: <>
    CLICK on the Unique Link shared by your company POC.\ \ The unique link should contain information such as company name, company UEN, billing contact ID and operational contact ID. An example of unique link is shown below.
    Log into your account using Singpass.
    You will automatically be taken to the course page. Double check the course details such as the start and end date before clicking on I agree.
    Click "Add to Cart"
    Click "View Cart"
    Click "Next"
    You should see that your application is sponsored by your company.
    Check that the all mandated fields in the following sections are filled: - Company details - Personal Particulars - Academic Qualifications - Current Employment Details
    Scroll through Terms And Conditions, and click "Accept".
    Click "Submit Registration".\ \ You will be able to track the status of your application in the student portal <> \-END-