Step-by-Step Guide to Registering for the NC FCCLA State Leadership Conference | Scribe

    Step-by-Step Guide to Registering for the NC FCCLA State Leadership Conference

    • 21 steps
      Login to to the FCCLA Portal at <>
      Click "Meetings & Events"
      To register affiliated students, click the "Register Students" button. To register affiliated chapter advisers, click the "Register Advisers" button. To register unaffiliated adult guests (chaperones, bus drivers, other FCS teachers, other teachers, etc.) click the "Register Guests" button.
      By clicking the "Register Advisers" or "Register Students" button, a list of affiliated advisers or members will populate automatically. Click the checkbox for the person you wish to register. Then click the black "Continue" button at the bottom of the registration screen.
      If you're submitting a member registration, a popup will appear with information regarding the name change policy. If the student's name is spelled correctly, click the "Ok" button. If the name is not spelled correctly, click the "Submit Name Change" button to request the name change. **This will only appear for member registration.**
      Verify the registrant's information. If registering a student, review their student email and click the "Student Email Verified" checkbox to confirm it is correct. Student emails must be unique to the student and cannot be the same as another registrant. Select a badge title from the dropdown options provided. If this is the first time this attendee will be attending the State Leadership Conference, select "Yes". Review and update, if needed, the emergency contact for the registrant.
      If the registrant requires any special accommodations, to include food allergens, please select the appropriate accommodation(s). Additional information may be requested. If the accommodation is not listed, select other and provide information about the accommodation needed.
      Click the most applicable registration rates. Information is provided on the screen to help determine which registration rate you wish to select. Click the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen.
      **For students only:** If the student registrant is competing at the State Leadership Conference, select the event by checking the box next to the event as listed on the screen.
      **For students only:** If the event is a team event, select the team number corresponding to the team they will be competing with. ALL team members must have the same team number identified. \ TIP: If you have a Level 2 and Level 3 team competing in the same event, please use two different team numbers to identify the team members on those teams. Example: Level 2 team members will be team number A and Level 3 team members will be team number B.
      Click "Next" to continue.
      Additional items can be added to the registration: Special Events and Optional Add-Ons. Click each title for a complete list of options to appear.
      **SPECIAL EVENTS** To register for the SLC After Party, click the check box next to the item name and enter "1" as the quantity.
      **OPTIONAL ADD-ONS** There are several optional add-ons for the registration. The Competitive Events Work Session, Parade of Chapter Flags and Chocolate Chip Cookies should only be added to an adviser registration. **Advisers** will select the item by clicking the coordinating check box and enter the total number for each registration: Competitive Events Work Session = total number of attendees from the chapter; Parade of Chapter Flags = "1" to indicate participation by the chapter; Chocolate Chip Cookies = total dozens the chapter wishes to purchase. **T-shirts should be entered individually**. Select the checkbox next to the t-shirt size needed and enter "1" in the quantity for each individual registrant wishing to purchase a t-shirt.
      When finished adding additional items to the registration, click the "Next" button.
      **COMPETITIVE EVENTS VOLUNTEER SELECTIONS** Click "Yes" to register as a Competitive Events volunteer. A new screen will expand for you to select the type of volunteer you wish to serve as and select five events to volunteer for, ranked from 1-5, with 1 being the most preferred and 5 being the least preferred. Click "No" if you do not wish to serve as a Competitive Events volunteer. Advisers will see an additional volunteer question regarding general volunteer opportunities for the conference. If you wish to serve as a general volunteer, select "Yes" and rank your preferences from the options listed. If you do not wish to serve as a volunteer, select "No". When volunteer preferences are identified, click the "Next" button at the bottom of the screen to move to the next step of registration.
      The last step is a confirmation review. During this step, review all registration information on screen. If information is incorrect, click the "Previous" button to move back through the registration steps and edit as needed. If the information is listed correctly, including the total amount, click the "Finish" button. A pop-up will appear for a final confirmation of the invoiced amount. \*\*\*By selecting "Finish" you are confirming this individuals registration and they will be added to the chapter's registration roster. This does not officially register them for the conference."
      **CONFERENCE REGISTRATION SUBMISSION** When all students, advisers, and adult guests have been added to the chapter registration roster, you will see their names listed. Click the "Select All" button select all listed on the chapter registration roster. Click the "Accept Disclaimers" button.
      The disclaimers will appear as a pop-up. After reviewing the disclaimers, click the checkbox to confirm that you have read and agree to the conference disclaimers. If you wish to have the disclaimers emailed, keep the box checked and enter the email in the textbox field. If you do not wish for the disclaimers to be emailed, uncheck the box. Click "Confirm".