Step-by-step guide: Customizing Settings and Testing Email Notifications
This step-by-step guide provides instructions on how to customize settings and test email notifications. It covers various settings such as enabling external syslog, sorting display, log retention, UI theme, importing/exporting settings, reloading encoders, configuring Clean Stream external control protocol, setting up REST API, configuring SMTP mail settings, creating email groups, and testing email functionality. This guide is useful for anyone who wants to customize their settings and ensure their email notifications are working correctly.
Other Settings
Click "Other Settings"
External Syslog
To Enable External Syslog Enable it from the Drop Down
Enter your Syslog IP or DNS and confirm UDP Port
information ordinal icon
Tip! Click Update to confirm the settings
alert ordinal icon
Alert! By Default Syslog UDP Ports are on 514
Sorting Display
Set the Sort Mode to Unit Name or ID
Select Ascending or Descending
information ordinal icon
Tip! Click Update to confirm the settings
Log Retention Days
Click "+" or "-" to set the log retention
information ordinal icon
Tip! Click Update to confirm the settings
Internal Shoutcast Bitrate
Set the web interface shoutcast audio bitrate
information ordinal icon
Tip! Click Update to confirm the settings
UI Theme
Set the UI Theme to Light or Dark
information ordinal icon
Tip! Click Update to confirm the settings