Step 4: Map Your Skill Level | Scribe

    Step 4: Map Your Skill Level

    • Caroline Young |
    • 5 steps |
    • 10 seconds
      For each eligible pathway of interest specified in the previous "Specify Interests" step, answer a short series of questions to help us gauge the right course for you: beginner, intermediate or advanced.
      Simply select an answer from the dropdown to move onto the next question.
      Click Back to change previous answers if needed.
      For any pathways of interest you are not currently eligible for, review the prerequisites you do not yet meet.
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      Remember, CodePath's course offerings are designed to support continued growth from your first year to graduation, so it's expected that you won't be eligible for every pathway right away. We'll store your specified interests for next semester, so you can pick up where you left off.
      Once you've completed the sets of questions for each eligible pathway of interest, click "Submit" to review eligible and recommended courses for you.
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      Please make sure to review your answers carefully before moving to the next step. Because some questions in the "Map Your Skill Set" step impact which courses you are eligible to apply to, any changes to your answers will require you to redo the application steps that follow.
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      If you need support or have any more questions about our admissions process, please visit []( and click on Admissions.