Step Five-Publish For Approval | Scribe

    Step Five-Publish For Approval

    • Stacy Price |
    • 11 steps |
    • 26 seconds
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    Before submitting the course for approval, make sure the same course isn't already approved in the system.
    Click "Continue"
    Click "Publish"
    Click "Submit Course Publish Approval Request"
    Click "Continue"
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    The Course Name should populate on the next page.
    Click the "Course Number" field. Enter the Course Number in the correct format: SE/OL,title,hours,registry ID.
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    Make sure the Course Number starts with SE for a face-to-face training and OL for an online training.
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    The Price needs to stay at 0. If you are charging for your training, you are responsible for setting up payment options/notifying participants.
    Select the Course Provider. This will be you unless you are with an Entity. In which case, the Entity is listed here.
    In the Credit Units section, add the number of hours in each Core Knowledge Area.
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    You can have as little as .25 (15 minutes) in one Core Knowledge Area.
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    The course must be at least one hour in length.
    For any Core Knowledge area that have hours attached, click "Visible on Transcript".
    For the "Repeatable For Credit" section, change "Yes, always" to "Yes after Time Period".
    Enter "1 Year".
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    Please note that on-demand courses are not repeatable for credit.
    Click "Next: Location and Visibility Settings"