Step Four- Add Schedule Event Module | Scribe

    Step Four- Add Schedule Event Module

    • Stacy Price |
    • 11 steps |
    • 39 seconds
    • WvregistryWvregistry
    Click "Add Modules"
    Click "Scheduled Event Module"
    Enter the "Event Name" (this can be the same as the Course Name). This is the Name of what shows on the Training Calendar but NOT what shows up on a participant's transcripts. You can copy the name of the course if you are just using the Scheduled Event module and this is not a series.
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    If this is a series, each module would need a different name so you can schedule accordingly.
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    If there are multiple modules and they need completed in a particular order, you can select "This Module is Locked Until Previous Module(s) are Completed" for any modules you don't want participants to access until the previous modules are completed.
    Scroll down the page. Click the "Percentage Applied To Course Score" . This determines how much weight this module has on the overall score for the course.
    Type "100". This dictates the scheduled event module will determine 100% of the course grade.
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    If this is a series with multiple modules, all modules must add up to equal 100% in total for the course. For example, two modules could be 50 for each. If an assessment is attached, the scheduled event module may be set to 0 and the assessment module would be set to 100 instead if you want the assessment to determine the course score.
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    If you have multiple scheduled event modules or are using other types of modules (e.g., Assessment, Assignment, Document, etc.) along with a scheduled event module, you will need to ensure that the percentages you list do not exceed the total 100% for the course. If you accidentally exceed 100%, you’ll be greeted with the below message once you try to submit the course for publishing approval. If you see this message, simply check your modules, and see where the percentage needs to be adjusted. Please note that you cannot move forward with submitting the course for publishing approval until the percentage has been corrected. You can tell this is the case because the “Next Visibility and Setting” option will not show up. Once you correct the percentages, you will be able to move forward.
    Click this dropdown. Select the appropriate Training Evaluation.
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    Training Evaluation Survey Summary Reports and Training Evaluation Questions (for the Version A Evaluation) are found in the IV. Reports->"Scheduled Event Survey Summary Report" section.
    Click "Save"
    You can attach content resources (used in content development) in the area below. This is required for all general Professional Development Providers and Specialty Professional Development Providers to upload the administrative resources used for content development. This requirement does not include Entity PDPs, Entity Instructors, or Entity Specialty PDPs. If applicable, attach documents and select SAVE.
    Click the "Select" field. Select the file you want to attach.
    Click "Add Selected File(s)". You can see all files attached under the "Available Files" section.
    Repeat the process for all files that need added here. Then click "Save".
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    Depending on the type of Professional Development Provider that you are and/or your entity affiliation, you may have a variety of module types to choose from during course development. Please select the appropriate module type that meets needs of your specific course. For information on the types of modules available from WV STARS, please see the Resources section. Please note more than one module type may be used but it is recommended that you seek guidance if attempting a new setup.