Step One-Creating the Course Outline | Scribe

    Step One-Creating the Course Outline

    • Stacy Price |
    • 12 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • WvregistryWvregistry
    Navigate to []( and log into your registry account.
    Click "Online Training Registration"
    Click "Manage Courses".
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    Utilize the search feature to make sure the course you wish to create does not exist in the system. To ensure this, please search the Registry for trainings with a similar name.
    Click "Create Course"
    Click the "Course Name" text box to enter the title for your course (there is a 150 character limit). The course name needs to be unique in the system, to allow users or students to search for the specific course in the course catalog or calendar.
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    To make searching for a training for a specific age range possible, the following abbreviation are required if content is applicable to Infants and Toddlers (I/T), Preschoolers (PK), School-Age Children (SA), or Technical Assistance, (relationship based Professional Development such as Mentoring, Coaching, Consultation, PD advising, and Peer-to-Peer TA (TA).
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    Please take note that courses that have a set curriculum such as ACDS, WVIT, Medication Administration, etc. will only be entered into the system as one course and trainers or instructors will be added to such courses. Duplicate course creations or registrations will not be allowed.
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    If you can see “View Settings” the course has been approved; you will receive an email immediately when a training registration is approved/rejected. If rejected, you will be provided with reasons why and be asked to fix and resubmit.
    Click the "Course Hours" text box to dedicate how many hours your course is worth.
    Click "More Options"
    For the Course Certificate, change the "No Certificate..." option to the "WV STARS Training Completion Certificate".
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    If this course is part of a module series requiring assessment or completion in a specific order, please make sure "Students Must Complete Course Modules in Sequential Order" is selected.
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    Course forum is currently turned off so leave these settings unchecked. Also leave the "Enable Global Course Confirmation" unchecked.
    Click the Course Overview box and type in your information. This is a brief description of your training. Be sure to include important keywords that are applicable to the training, such as Family Childcare, Home Visitation, etc. if the training is geared towards a certain group of professionals. Please also reinforce the target age range (Infant/Toddler, Pre-K, School Age, etc). If a minimum score assessment is required, make sure to list it in this section as well.
    Type in your Course Objectives. Use the WV Core Competency Area Behaviors and Skills [bulleted observable skills] as outcomes. These should specifically align to the core competencies. Example): 6.6 g. Acts as a resource and advocates for community awareness of the current research and best practices impacting children and families
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    Objectives for courses containing more than one scheduled event module can be entered on each the individual module, but must all be listed on the overall course here. Additional learning objectives from outside sources may also be stated, however behavior and skills are required to be listed verbatim from the WV Core Knowledge and Competencies document.
    This is optional unless the course includes a series. In that case, you will enter topics/information for each session here.
    Click "Save"