Student - Late ITG Request | Scribe

Student - Late ITG Request

  • Anne Hubbard |
  • 7 steps |
  • 14 seconds
  • UcfUcf
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Alert! A Late ITG does not allow for participation in the commencement. Submitting a Late ITG allows for your degree to be awarded, provided you have satisfied all degree requirements. Please be sure to submit by the respective deadline.
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Tip! Graduate students who are unable to participate in commencement because they missed the application deadline, may participate during one of the three terms following the semester their degree was awarded. Please reference the Academic Calendar for the Graduation Application Deadline.
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Tip! Students can only submit one ITG per program. If you have an ITG on file for this program, please submit a withdrawal request to the Graduate Affairs Office for your college.
Navigate to [](
Click "Graduate Notice of Late Intent to Graduate"
Enter the required information: - Today's Date - UCF ID - Last Name - First Name
A screenshot of the Late ITG PDF Form
Fill out the Student Information for the diploma: - First Name - Middle Name - Last Name
A screenshot of the Late ITG PDF Form
Fill out the Address Information for the diploma: - Street Number - Street Name - Apt #, if applicable - City - Country - State - Zip - Telephone - Email Address
A screenshot of the Late ITG PDF Form
Complete the Late ITG Information: - Acknowledgement of no same-term commencement participation - Term - Year - Degree Program - Sub-plan/Track (if applicable) - Degree Type - Signature
A screenshot of the Late ITG PDF Form
Turn in your completed form to the Graduate Affairs Office for your College. They will need to sign off on the form and submit it to the College of Graduate Studies for processing.
A screenshot of the Late ITG PDF Form
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Questions? Email [](