Submit Logs to the FMCSA | Scribe

Submit Logs to the FMCSA

  • K Field |
  • 0 step |
  • 48 seconds
  • IntellishiftIntellishift
Tip! When submitting logs to the FMCSA, it's important you are filtered to the correct operator(s) and timeframe as required by your audit. In this walkthrough, we will help ensure you have the correct filters.

Navigate to Operator Logs

Select the "Hours of Service (New)" service module
Select the "Logs" dropdown menu and select "Operator" to view the current cycle list.
Whether submitting multiple operators' logs or one, select the clipboard icon to the right-hand side of any operator. (We will filter to the correct operator(s) in the next few steps).

Apply Filters

On the next screen, view your current filters in the pill icon above the table. Remove the filter (if desired) by clicking the "x".
You are now viewing all logs for the filtered timeframe. Next, let's filter to specific operators. Select the "Filters" option on the far right-hand side of the screen.
Select the calendar date range and select the appropriate timeframe for submitting logs. Logs older than six months will not be submitted, which protects your fleet from being fined for violations that are outside of the DOT audit window.
If you need to filter by a branch or DOT, use the "Branches" field and dropdown to select the branch you wish to filter by.
If needing specific operators, select the "Operator" field and dropdown to begin filtering to specific operators.
Type in the operator's name in which you need to submit a log for.
In the dropdown list, check the operator's name to include them in your filter. Repeat this step for all operators you wish to include.
Click "Apply" to apply the filters.

(Optional) Review Log Detail

Tip! Adding or removing columns of information (e.g., Certified status, violations/warnings, etc.) will not change what's submitted to the FMCSA.
If desired, you can review details of the logs before submitting. Scroll to the right in the table. Review the certification status of the log and any violations/warnings.
Use the gear icon to add or remove columns to review additional detail.
For example, you can add "Claimed Exception(s)" for your own review.

Submit Logs to the FMCSA

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