Submit Your Company Listing | Scribe

    Submit Your Company Listing

    • Lisa Carletti |
    • 0 step |
    • 11 minutes
      Click "Get Started" under I'm an RV Service Pro
      Click "Join Today"
      Click "Sign Me Up" on the package you would like to purchase. In this example we are signing up for a Featured VIP Pro.
      Fill out the registration form then Click "Submit"
      You should get an email labeled "Welcome to My RV Resource, Your Name"
      Add your company details on the Enter Listing Details Page. There are instructions on the right of the form for each item.
      Be sure to add the http:// or https:// to the beginning of all links.
      Be sure to format your Phone Number with -'s and/or ()'s. Ex. "555-555-5555"
      If you selected Featured VIP Pro you can set the distance in miles you are willing to travel here.
      If your address is listed on Google, you can start typing it in and select the address from the options.
      Be sure to Click "Set Address On Map" after adding your address.
      The first image you upload should be your Company Logo. If you chose the Featured VIP Pro listing you can add up to 9 other images.
      Be sure to select the correct Time Zone when adding your business hours.
      If you have the option to add certifications only add your highest level of certification.
      Click here:
      Select any services your company performs so users using Advanced Search Filters can find you.
      Click "Submit Listing" to submit your company listing. Your listing will not go live if you do not complete the checkout process.
      You will receive an email showing you have submitted your listing for approval.
      Complete the checkout process by entering your payment details.
      Click "I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions *"
      This Scribe is in tip-top shape!Leave feedback if there are any issues with this Scribe