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Submit a Work Request with Attachments
Becky Pritchett |
0 step |
56 seconds
Log in to CamelWeb
Click "CamelWeb"
Click "Getting Things Fixed"
Click "Service Request"
Click "Submit Service Request" A pop up window will appear- make sure your pop-up blocker is off!
Enter Facility Name: 'Leased Buildings' for Manwaring Apartments, 'Owned Buildings' for all other houses.
Click "select"
Click on the house/apartment in question.
A window comes up reminding you to enter []( as an additional requestor. This is so that housing is aware of your request.. Click "ok"
Select the specific room number.
A window comes up reminding you to enter []( as an additional requestor. This is so that housing is aware of your request.. Click "ok"
Click 'Requestor Email" enter a semi-colon and []( and Enter a DETAILED description of the work needed in Action Requested
If you have pictures of the issue that you would like to attach (for example, a water stain on the ceiling) Click "Linked Documents"
Click "Add Document"
Click the upload button to select the type of file being uploaded.
Enter a description of the file.
Click Save.
Click 'Close'
Click Save to submit work request.
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