Submitting Rural and Family Lands Protection Program Application | Scribe

    Submitting Rural and Family Lands Protection Program Application

    • 26 steps
    • PowerappsportalsPowerappsportals
    • FdacsFdacs
    • GoogleGoogle
    Navigate to <> and click "Apply Now."
    Click "Apply" on the main portal page.
    If you are not logged in, you will be redirected to the sign in page. 1. If you have an existing account, click the "Sign in" tab to enter your credentials. If you forgot your password, click "Forgot your password?" and follow [these steps.]( 2. If you do not have an existing account, click "Register" and follow [these steps](// Once you sign in or register, you will be redirected to the first step of the application.

    Step 1

    1. ***Name(s):*** Enter the full legal name(s) of the project’s property owner(s). 2. ***Owner Mailing Address:*** Enter the full mailing address of the property owner, including street number and name. 3. ***Owner Mailing City:*** Enter the city associated with the owner’s mailing address. 4. ***Owner Mailing State:*** Enter the state associated with the owner’s mailing address. 5. ***Owner Mailing Zip:*** Enter the ZIP code for the owner’s mailing address. 6. ***Owner Mailing County:*** Enter the county associated with the owner’s mailing address. (Note: If the owner's mailing state is other than Florida, select "Out of State" from the dropdown selection.) 7. ***Owner Telephone:*** Enter the primary phone number at which the owner can be contacted. 8. ***Owner E-mail Address:*** Enter the email address of the property owner. After completing the required fields, click "Next."

    Step 2

    To list property locations that will be included in the application, click the "Create" button. A sub-grid will appear. **(Note: Please complete a separate entry for each unique section. Do not attempt to combine multiple sections into one entry.)**
    For a sub-grid entry, complete the following fields: 1. **Section:** 2. **Township (Number only):** 3. **Township (North/South):** 4. **Range (Number only):** 5. **Range (East/West):** 6. **Street Address of Property:** 7. **State:** 8. **City:** 9. **Zip:** 10. **County:** **(Note: Please complete a separate entry for each unique section. Do not attempt to combine multiple sections into one entry.)**
    Once all the property locations have been entered, click "Next." **(Note: Please complete a separate entry for each unique section. Do not attempt to combine multiple sections into one entry.)**

    Step 3

    RFLPP staff will complete a site visit of the property, and will require contact information for scheduling and completing the visit. If the information is the same at inputted in Step 1, click the checkbox to autofill the information. ***Name:*** Enter the full name of the individual who will be the primary point of contact for site visits. 1. ***Telephone:*** Enter the phone number where the site visit contact can be reached. 2. ***E-mail Address:*** Enter the email address of the site visit contact. 3. ***Preferred Method of Contact:*** Indicate whether the site visit contact prefers to be reached by phone, email, or another method. If the project will have a registered agent, click "Yes" and complete the following fields. If not, click "No" and continue to the next step. 1. ***Agent Name:*** Enter the full name of the authorized representative. 2. ***Agent Phone:*** Enter the phone number of the authorized representative. 3. ***Agent Mailing Address:*** Enter the mailing address of the authorized representative. 4. ***Agent Mailing City:*** Enter the mailing city of the authorized representative associated with the mailing address. 5. ***Agent Mailing State:*** Enter the mailing state of the authorized representative associated with the mailing address. 6. ***Agent Mailing Zip:*** Enter the mailing zip code of the authorized representative associated with the mailing address. 7. ***Agent Mailing County:*** Enter the mailing county of the authorized representative associated with the mailing address. After completing the required fields, click "Next."

    Step 4

    **Step 4:** For *Estimated Total Land Area*, input the number of acres associated with each category. For example if the project has fifty acres of grazing land for cattle, type "50" in the "Cattle" field. If the project does not have a type of land, leave the field blank. 1. **Dairy**: Enter the number of acres used for dairy farming operations. 2. **Field Crops**: Enter the acreage for crops like wheat, corn, or soybeans grown in fields. 3. **Cattle**: Provide the acreage allocated for cattle grazing or ranching. 4. **Citrus**: Indicate the number of acres used for growing citrus fruits such as oranges or grapefruits. 5. **Natural Area**: Specify the acreage left in its natural state or used for conservation. 6. **Silviculture**: Enter the acreage dedicated to forestry and tree cultivation. 7. **Poultry**: Provide the number of acres used for poultry farming activities. 8. **Row Crops**: Indicate the acreage for crops grown in rows, such as vegetables or cotton. 9. **Apiary**: Enter the acreage used for beekeeping operations. 10. **Nursery**: Provide the number of acres for plant nurseries or ornamental horticulture. 11. **Other Fruits**: Specify acreage for fruits other than citrus, such as berries or peaches. 12. **Other**: Enter acreage for any land uses not listed above. **(Note: the sum of acres for the 12 categories must equal the number inputted below in the "Estimated Total Land Area.")** For *Estimated Land Amount,* input the number of acres in each category. 1. **Estimated Total Land Area**: Enter the total acreage of the entire property. 2. **Uplands**: Specify the acreage of land above the water table, typically dry land (If none, input "0"). 3. **Wetlands**: Indicate the acreage of land saturated with water, such as marshes or swamps(If none, input "0"). **(Note: the sum of "Uplands" and "Wetlands" must equal the amount inputted in "Estimated Total Land Area.")** If the property is in the application process or is a current participant of a conservation program, select "Yes" and complete the below fields. If not, select "No" and continue to Step 5. After completing the required fields, click "Next."
    If the property is in the application process or is a current participant of a conservation program, select "Yes," and create a entry on the sub-grid. If not, select "No" and continue to Step 5. **(Note: This does not include a application or enrollment in the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program.)**
    Once you select "Create," complete the following fields: 1. ***Program Name:*** Name of the program you are in the application process of or currently enrolled. 2. ***Application or Participant:*** Select from the dropdown if you are a applicant or participant. 3. ***Date Applied or Began Participation:*** Provide the date that you applied or began participation. **(Note: This does not include a application or enrollment in the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program.)**

    Step 5

    If you have previously applied to the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program, select "Yes" and create a entry on the sub-grid. If not, select "No" and continue to slide 15.
    To complete the sub-grid entry, complete the following fields: 1. ***Project Name:*** Enter the name of the project as previously applied. 2. ***Project Number:*** Enter the provided project number (If available). The number's format is "RFLPP-00000-Year." 3. ***Project Applied Date:*** Enter the date the previous application was submitted.
    If the application is amending a previous RFLPP application, select "Yes" and complete the below fields. If not, select "No" and continue to the next question. 1. ***Project Name:*** Enter the name of the project as previously applied. 2. ***Project Number:*** Enter the provided project number (If available). The number's format is "RFLPP-00000-Year." If any property in the project has been identified as a critical wetland by a water management district, or is included in a district strategic plan or work plan, select "Yes." If not, select "No." If the project contain more than a de minimis interest from specified foreign principles, as defined in ss. 692.201 and 692.202, F.S. select "Yes." If not, select "No." **(Note: As provided in Florida Statute, foreign principals are defined through their connections to statutorily designated foreign countries of concern. Foreign countries of concern are identified specifically as the People’s Republic of China, the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Republic of Cuba, the Venezuelan regime of Nicolás Maduro, or the Syrian Arab Republic, including any agency of or any other entity of significant control of such foreign country of concern.** **A foreign principal has a de minimus indirect interest if any ownership is the result of the foreign principal’s ownership of registered equities in a publicly traded company owning the land and if the foreign principal’s ownership interest in the company is either:** - **Less than 5 percent of any class of registered equities or less than 5 percent in the aggregate in multiple classes of registered equities; or** - **A noncontrolling interest in an entity controlled by a company that is both registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended, and is not a foreign entity.)**
    If there are any parcels that you want excluded from your project boundary, select "Yes" and attach a legible map specifying which parcels are to be excluded. If not, select "No." [For instructions and help adding files, view this tutorial.](// Once completed, click "Next."