How to Submit WSIB Forms | Scribe

    How to Submit WSIB Forms

    • Verismo Health |
    • 16 steps |
    • 9 seconds
    • JunoemrJunoemr
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    Please write down your WSIB details: WSIB Provider #: \__________________________________________________\_

    Registering the Patient

    There is no difference between registering a normal visit when a patient comes in with a request for WSIB form filling. If the patient has an existing WSIB claim ID, make sure to note it down as you will need to fill it into the WSIB Form 8 or FAF form after the physician completes it in the patient's Encounter
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    Remind the physician that they have to complete the WSIB Form 8 or FAF inside the eForm section of the EMR, do not fill a paper copy of this eForm, ensure all signature fields for the patient are collected inside the exam room and that the form is Submitted following its completion so it is permanently stored in the chart

    Filling the eForms (Form 8 and FAF)

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    If you don't have a WSIB provider ID yet, please make a Tickler for yourself to fill in the provider ID and fax in the eForm later, continue to privately bill and log the WSIB form fees during this time
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    If this is your physician's first time filling out the WSIB form, please guide them through where they must complete something
    Have the physician complete all fields on the form, make sure that if the patient already has a claim ID from WSIB (existing case) it is entered into the eForm
    Make sure the patient and physician both digitally sign on the eForm
    In the patient's Encounter click on the complete WSIB form
    Confirm all necessary fields are completed and then scroll down and select the provider "1. Forms, WSIB"
    Click "Add Provider"
    You should see it populate with the correct fax number and click Fax.

    WSIB Forms that are not eForms (e.g. Form 26)

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    Make sure that the provider ID is printed clearly on the form, and all fields completed. Scan it into the patients chart into Documents and fax it to 1. Forms, WSIB as above

    Billing and Logging the Payment

    Click B on the patient with WSIB forms filled
    Switch invoice type to Private
    Seach for the approach WSIB form code - it usually matches the service code (e.g. 8M, FAF, 26M etc.)
    Click Add