Submitting Your UN SDG Renewable Assignment to the Institutional Repository | Scribe

Submitting Your UN SDG Renewable Assignment to the Institutional Repository

  • L. D. |
  • 0 step |
  • 2 minutes
  • UcfUcf
First, decide if you want to share your assignment for others to view, download, or even adapt and build upon your work. We will guide you through how to share your assignment through UCF's institutional repository called STARS. Along the way, we will provide tips and context to help you make your decisions, but those decisions are up to you.
If you are wondering whether to share access to your assignment, please know that you will choose a license that determines what people can do with your work. These are called Creative Commons licenses. Creative Commons licenses are like customizable "rules" for sharing your work. They let you decide how others can use, adapt, and share what you’ve created. From super-open to more controlled, there's a license to fit your goals. Review the [License Chooser]( to help you decide.
Tip! Why Choose CC-BY? The CC-BY license (also called Creative Commons Attribution 4.0) is the most open and empowering choice. Your work can be shared, adapted, and reused by anyone, as long as they credit you. This boosts your visibility and impact! Open sharing encourages others to build on your ideas, fostering collaboration and innovation. By choosing CC-BY, you're contributing to the global movement for open, accessible knowledge. No one should claim your work as their own—CC-BY entitles you to get credit for your work
Are you ready to upload or share a link to your assignment? You will need to log in to STARS or create an account.[Navigate to the STARS form.](
First, enter the title of your assignment. This should relate to your assignment content, not the tool used to create it. In other words, don't say "Sway Presentation" if you used Sway to make your assignment. Instead, do something similar to this example: "Service Learning Project for Make-a-Wish"
Click "Add Author" to add your name, email, and institution which is the University of Central Florida.
Next, add the year you completed your assignment.
Next, select your semester, then put in today's date.
Next, give a brief description of what your assignment is about.
Include your course number, which is the three-letter prefix and the four numbers following that.
Add your professor's name.
Next, enter any keywords that might make sense if someone is trying to search for your assignment.
Next, select which goal related to your assignment. This should be listed within your course.
Next, select your Creative Commons license. The first one is CC BY or also called Creative Commons Attribution, and then the ones further down are a bit more restrictive.
Tip! Remember to view the License Chooser or "About CC Licenses" webpages to help you decide your license.
You can include any notes you may want to indicate that go along with your submission.
You will either upload your file or link out with a URL. If you choose "Link out to file on remote site," ensure that anyone with the link can access it. It should not be a private link. The file, regardless whether it is uploaded or linked, needs to be accessible.
Alert! View the [STARS accessibility resources]( to ensure your file type is accessible. If your assignment uses Sway, use the [Microsoft Sway accessibility guidelines]( to make it accessible.
Tip! If you have further questions, please contact [Rebecca McNulty]( or [Lily Dubach](
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