Swim Squad Spring 2023 Registration Directions | Scribe

    Swim Squad Spring 2023 Registration Directions

    • YoFresh Food |
    • 18 steps |
    • 2 minutes
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    Gift Cards will be processed first and if there is no balance remaining on gift card, your Card on file will be run after class.
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    SWIM Squad is moving to a weekly registration! Sign up for just the days you'd like to participate! SWIM Squad is for individuals with special needs who KNOW how to swim freestyle or backstroke. Swimmers will have 35 minutes of instruction and then 10 minutes of free play. One group of swim squad participants, max 10 students in the class.
    Navigate to [https://www.vagaro.com/allabilities-superfish](https://www.vagaro.com/allabilities-superfish) and Login
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    Tip! Login first to make checking out a breeze!
    Click "Book Now"
    Click "Classes"
    Click the "Any Class" field.
    Click "S.W.I.M. Squad (Weekly-Special Needs)-$15 per class attended, billed after class"
    Click "Sign Up"
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    Alert! For Spring 2023, 10 classes are offered over a 12-week period, so you will want to input "12" into the number of sessions to book each class.
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    Tip! You can review and delete class dates before checking out.
    Click the "plus" to get to '12' or type 12 into the number of sessions.
    Double-click this text field.
    Make sure this says "Every 1 week on Sunday"
    Click "Next"
    Choose the participant's name from the dropdown
    Click "Checkout"
    You will see that I am not available on April 2 or 9th, just hit "confirm" at this point.
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    This next step is where you review the dates and cancel any others you already know you have conflicts with. (Just keep the dates you are planning to attend). You can always cancel additional conflicts as they arise within 24 hours of the class, but please do not schedule to attend any classes you already know you cannot make.
    Click "Remove" on any dates you cannot attend;