Task Statuses & Workflows | Scribe

    Task Statuses & Workflows

    • Brokerage Engine |
    • 0 step |
    • 9 minutes
    TASK STATUSES - OVERVIEW In this demonstration, we'll explore the different types of Task Statuses, and how they collaborate amongst each other to create task-driven workflows and processes for your Brokerage.
    NAVIGATE TO 'TASKS' To start, navigate to the 'Active' Tab under the 'Tasks' dropdown menu on the main navigation bar.
    OVERVIEW OF TASK STATUSES Before we jump into the workflow of a task, let's review the different types of Task Statuses. Additionally, throughout these explanations, bear in mind that the use of filters can be used at any time to display specific tasks only.
    REQUESTED TASKS Here is where Requested Tasks display. These are tasks that have been triggered in the System, but have not been "started." In other words, these are tasks that need to be completed, but it has not yet been determined who will complete them, or when. Until these details are established, the tasks will remain in 'Requested' status.
    IN PROGRESS TASKS Here, 'In Progress' tasks display. These are tasks that a User has begun working on, or in other words, logging work.
    APPROVED TASKS This is where the tasks in Approved status will display. These tasks are not complete until they are marked "Done" by the person performing the task.
    PENDING REVIEW TASKS Once a task has been worked on and is ready for review (specific to certain Categories, such as Marketing), it will enter the 'Pending Review' status. This means that in order to progress further towards completion, someone (the original Requestor of the task) must review the work that has been done on the task, and either approve or reject it.
    PENDING INFO TASKS In other scenarios, it is not "review" that must happen in order to complete the task; rather, it's the entering of information. This is the case of 'Pending Info' tasks. Simply put, these are tasks that require some form of additional information prior to becoming 'Done' in whichever form their specific Category indicates.
    TASK WORKFLOW DEMONSTRATION Definitions of the different task statuses is helpful, but for demonstration purposes, let's review how they work from start to finish - in tandem - to actually complete/accomplish a task with 'Done' status.
    STARTING/CLAIMING A TASK Beginning with a 'Requested' task, and in conjunction with the System User (Admin) who will be assigned to the completing the tasks (example: a marketing Admin would only 'Start' Requested Tasks that are specific to their role/function, in this case 'Marketing'), start working on a task by clicking the 'Log Work' icon located in the Action column.
    REVIEW TASK INFO Here, an overview of the task will display, along with any pertinent details. Add any comments that need to be added to the task, and to finish claiming the task, our Marketing Admin would click "Start Task".
    TASK TRANSITIONS TO 'IN PROGRESS' STATUS Upon doing so, the 'Requested' task now becomes 'In Progress.' This is because the task has been officially assigned to a User who will work towards its completion.
    START WORKING ON TASK Now, begin completing the task itself, and once ready, click 'Log Work.' (Example: if the task was to design a brochure, the User would first design it per the Task details, and once ready to upload the proof, officially click on the 'Log Work' icon.)
    ENTER TASK ASSOCIATED DETAILS Here, enter all of the work that has been done in association with the task. For our example of a postcard, this would be the step in which the actual proof would be uploaded.
    UPLOAD FILES AND/OR ADD COMMENTS In addition to any information that the task requires, Users can upload files and/or add links and comments, and click 'Submit'.
    TASK TRANSITIONS TO 'PENDING REVIEW' STATUS Upon doing so, the Task will transition to the 'Pending Review' status, and the Agent (Requestor) will receive a notification indicating that approval or rejection of work completed is required in order to continue the progression of the task towards completion.
    INFORMATION REGARDING 'PENDING REVIEW' The following view for 'logging work' on a task that is in 'Pending Review' status is the same for both Agents as well as Admins. For this demonstration, we are continuing as an Admin. However, the task would typically remain in 'Pending Review' status until the Agent is actually able to review the work that has been sent to them.
    VIEW OF PENDING REVIEW TASK Now that the work has been viewed, the decision can be made to either approve or reject it. Whichever option is selected will then determine the next status transition of the task. For this demo, we'll review both.
    SCENARIO: IF TASK IS REJECTED If the task is rejected, the task will require the User to enter comments. We will click 'Log Work' to open and review the proof or comments first.
    REJECT AND CLICK 'SUBMIT' After clicking 'Reject', add comments if appropriate, and then click 'Submit.'
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