Teacher Meeting Manager | Scribe

    Teacher Meeting Manager

    • 24 steps |
    • 46 seconds
    • PliconnectPliconnect

    Usage Requirement

    **Using the Meeting Manager** **Effective January 31, 2024 all teachers are required to use the Meeting Manager to** - Record their class attendance (required for all classes) - Start their classes (live classes only) - You will be redirected to the VCP from within the feature

    Meet Your Meeting Manager

    **Log in to PLI Connect** - Navigate to <https://proxlearn.pliconnect.com/teacher/home> - Enter your credentials
    **View Meeting Manager in the Teacher Dashboard** - After logging in, you will be redirected to the Teacher Dashboard - The Meeting Manager will display within along with your Today's Class List 📌TIP: Only classes where your enrollment type is "Primary," "Co-Teacher," or "Long Term Coverage" will display here; classes with other enrollment types can be found on the "Enrollments" view

    Meeting Manager Today's Class List

    **No Classes Scheduled Today** If you are not enrolled in any classes, or none your classes are scheduled to meet today, your "Meeting Manager Today's Class List" will be empty 📌TIP: If you don't see a class that is scheduled to meet today, use **"View All Classes"** to see all classes you are enrolled in
    **View Today's Class List** - Any classes that are scheduled to meet today will automatically display within the **"Meeting Manager Today's Class List"** 📌TIP: If you don't see a class that is scheduled to meet today, use **"View All Classes"** to see all classes you are enrolled in

    Record Attendance & Start Class with Meeting Manager

    **Record Your Attendance & Start Class** - To record your attendance and start class, click **"Access Class"** from the class list
    **Start Class with a Meeting Link** - If your class has a meeting link, you will see a **"Start Class"** option - Click this option to: - record your attendance time - automatically open and start the meeting as the host 📌TIP: If your class breaks for lunch, you can use the **"Start Class"** option to restart your meeting **Record No Class** - Click this option to - indicate the class was canceled for today (snow day, testing, etc.) - indicate the class is showing on today's schedule as an error (data bug) 📌TIP: If a class is marked as "Record No Class," the "Start Class" button remains available should there be a schedule change
    **Start Class without Meeting Link** - If your class does not have a meeting link, you will see a **"Check In"** option - Click this option to: - record your attendance time 📌TIP: You will still need to access the VCP to start the meeting - 📌TIP: If your class breaks for lunch, you can still use the **"Check In"** option to restart your class **Record No Class** - Click this option to - indicate the class was canceled for today (snow day, testing, etc.) - indicate the class is showing on today's schedule as an error ( data bug) 📌TIP: If a class is marked as "Record No Class," the "Check In" button remains available should there be a schedule change

    Meeting Manager History

    **View Meeting Manager History** - To see your meeting history, click **"Meeting Manager"** in the left navigation panel 📌TIP: You can customize what information is displayed using the **"Add Filters,"** "**Quick Status**" and "**Set Column Headers**" options
    **Meeting Status** - For each class started with the Meeting Manager with the **"Start Class"** or **"Check In"** button, your start date and time is recorded - The system then uses this information to generate a **"Attendance Status"** **Status Definitions** - On Time: started before or at class start time - Late: started after class start time - No Show: not started ⭐See next step for what to do when you were early and the status says "No Show"

    ⭐Attendance Status...No Need to Panic⭐

    **Attendance Status Don't Panic** Please note this feature, and in particular, the "**Attendance Status**," is still a testing phase. Data is likely to be inaccurate for certain schedule types and teachers will not be penalized for late or no show statuses. Product and Development teams are allowing these data bugs to identify where there are gaps within our system with different scheduling scenarios and set ups. To help teachers and teams flag these inaccuracies, we've got a nifty notes capability (next step).
    **Add A Note in the Meeting Manager History** - Add a note for each class about it's status using the Notes function - To add a note, - Click on the gray exclamation icon in the "**Notes**" column to open the notes modal - Enter your note and click "**Save**" - The notes icon will then turn blue to indicate a note has been saved 📌TIP: Click the blue notes icon to view your saved notes; you can also view notes that have been added by internal admins

    Solutions Help

    **Get Live Help** Our Solutions team is standing by to provide teachers with rapid responses during this launch and the following days. Click here to submit a [Solutions ticket](https://proxlearn.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360003283591) 📌TIP: Select "Meeting Manager" in the subject line to help the Solutions team prioritize tickets