Team Captain Registration | Scribe

    Team Captain Registration

    • District Sports |
    • 8 steps |
    • 4 minutes
    • LeagueappsLeagueapps
    • Google AccountGoogle Account
    Select "Register" on your desired program
    Select option to register as "Team Captain" & fill out registration fields.
    Fill out registration fields, including team name. Please include your selected jersey color as part of your team name so that your opponents know which color team they're playing. Note: you have the option to either pay the full team fee up front or divide it evenly among your roster. \*\*(*We strongly recommend paying the full fee up front)\*\** - Teams with outstanding fees by NOON on April 5, 2024, will have outstanding balances assigned to their captains. - Teams with outstanding fees by NOON on April 12, 2024, will be forced to forfeit all remaining games until/unless full team payment is made.
    Fill out registration fields, including team name. Please include your selected jersey color as part of your team name so that your opponents know which color team they're playing.

Note: you have the option to either pay the full team fee up front or divide it evenly among your roster. \*\*(*We strongly recommend paying the full fee up front)\*\**

- Teams with outstanding fees by NOON on April 5, 2024, will have outstanding balances assigned to their captains.
- Teams with outstanding fees by NOON on April 12, 2024, will be forced to forfeit all remaining games until/unless full team payment is made.
    Read and sign waivers.
    Click "Invite more players to your new team!"
    Click "Invite more players to your new team!"
    Click "Manage or add players" on the correct team row.
    Click "Invite Players", enter player email addresses, and send their invites to join your roster!
    Click "Invite Players", enter player email addresses, and send their invites to join your roster!
    Look out for the jersey ordering email in the next 24 or so hours. You must order quickly in order to receive your jersey pack ahead of the spring season.