Certification status options include:
- **Form 1 Completed** for those student-athletes who have completed the Form 1, but have not been reviewed by the college for eligibility. Note all student-athletes enter the system with this status.
- **Pending Certification** for those student-athletes whom the institution has started to certify, but might be awaiting transcripts and/or tracers.
- **Eligible - Not Competing** is for those student-athletes who are otherwise eligible, but will not be on the Form 3.
- **Eligible** for those student-athletes who have been certified eligible for competition per the 3C2A legislation. This status allows a student-athlete to be placed on a Form 3 workflow. Note the "i" icons have additional bylaw guidance. ***This student will be placed on the Form 3 Workflow when the Beginning of Season Submission button is clicked.***
- **Ineligible** for those student-athletes who have been certified ineligible for competition per the 3C2A legislation.
The Certification status can be changed and/or updated.