Tech Hub: Eligibility Specialist/Athletic Director Initiating the End of Season Submission Process | Scribe

    Tech Hub: Eligibility Specialist/Athletic Director Initiating the End of Season Submission Process

    • Jennifer Cardone |
    • 17 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Form 3" either the tile or header.
    Click on the sport for the Form 3 the institution is ready to begin the **End of Season Submission** process for final verification.
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    Tip! A best practice is to complete this process in an established meeting with the Eligibility Specialist, Head Coach of the Sport, Athletic Trainer (if available) and Athletic Director. This way the group can initiate an accurate workflow that can be approved by all users in the meeting and advanced for Final Verification to the Commissioner.
    Click "Final Form 3 / Roster" tab.
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    Alert! Only those student-athletes verified during the Beginning of Season Submission process by the Commissioner will populate the "Final Form 3 / Roster" tab. If a student-athlete is missing please ensure a waiver of Bylaw 1.8.3 Eligibility Verification of Reporting Error needs to be submitted. This process must be followed first before initiating the **End of Season Submission** process. The college will also need to add those missing Eligible student-athletes to the Form 3 before initiating the below process. See the user guide, [Tech Hub: Adding Student-Athletes to the Form 3 after Initial Verification of Beginning of Season Submission](
    Only those student-athletes who were verified will populate the view. The college can update each individual student-athlete by answering the following question by clicking on the pencil icon. ***Did the student compete? Yes or No***
    Answer the question for each student based on their participation status in competition. The group of student-athletes will move through the workflow process as an entire group. This differs from the Beginning of Season Submission process, which allows individuals to advance or be added.
    Click "Yes" if the student-athlete competed.
    Click on the pencil icon to advance to the next student-athlete.
    Click "No" if the student-athlete did NOT compete.
    Click "Save"
    Review the student-athletes to ensure their competition status matches that of online statistics available for that sport. **Do NOT submit the End of Season if the team is competing in Postconference**. Only submit for teams that are no longer competing for the academic year.
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    Alert! Do not use the "Next button" it is only there when the mass update feature is utilized for who compete and who did not compete.
    Click "End of Season Submission" to initiate the workflow to the Head Coach for their review and approval.
    Click "Next" on the popup window to advance the End of Season Submission process to the Head Coach.
    Click "Next" when the popup window notes the **End of Season Submission** was successfully advanced.
    The "Final Form 3 / Roster" will now note that the workflow has advanced to the **Head Coach** for their validation.
    To monitor the progress of the workflow the college can click "Approval History" tab.
    The "Approval History" tab will show that the workflow is with the Head Coach for End of Season validation.