Tech Hub: End of Season Rejected by Commissioner How to Resubmit for Final Verification | Scribe

    Tech Hub: End of Season Rejected by Commissioner How to Resubmit for Final Verification

    • Jennifer Cardone |
    • 16 steps |
    • 2 minutes
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    Below are the steps to take when a Commissioner rejects an End of Season Submission for Final Verification due to corrections.
    **Eligibility Specialist and/or Athletic Director** Click "PENDING APPROVALS" tile or header
    Click on the sport that requires review and potential edits.
    Click "Final Form 3 / Roster" tab to see the group of student-athletes rejected by the Commissioner.
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    Alert! The Eligibility Specialist/Athletic Director should review with the Commissioner as to why they rejected the group of student-athletes. If a student-athletes competition status needs updating follow the below steps before the **End of Season** request can be resubmitted.
    The college can update individual student-athletes by answering the following question by clicking on the pencil icon. ***Did the student compete? Yes or No***
    Click "Save"
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    Once all the edits are made, the following steps are to be followed to resubmit the End of Season Submission process for approval by the AD followed by the Commissioner.
    Click "Approval History" tab and click on the **Request Tracking Name** of the rejected (denied) End of Season Submission.
    Click "Resubmit Request" button.
    Click "Next"
    Click "Finish" as the request has been resubmitted to the AD for approval.
    To monitor the status of the End of Season Submission, click "Final Form 3 / Roster" to see that the group of student-athletes have been sent for AD approval.
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    Alert! The End of Season Submission will now be awaiting approval by the **AD** in their **Pending Approvals** area of the Tech Hub Portal.
    Click "Pending Approvals"
    **Athletic Director** will Click the **Form 3 workflow** of the sport for approving the **End of Season Submission.**
    Click "Approve"
    Click "Approve" to advance the End of Season Submission to the Commissioner for Final Verification.
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    To monitor the End of Season Submission progression go to the Form 3 and click on that sport.