Tech Hub: Head Coach Review of the Form 3 Workflow Beginning of Season Submission Process
Jennifer Cardone |
18 steps |
3 minutes
A **Head Coach** will receive an email from the 3C2A Tech Hub[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with a Form 3 Roster Validation link. The email used in this process comes from what the College entered into the 3C2A Tech Hub for that Head Coach (either a campus or personal email).
The **Head Coach** will Click "Roster Validation Needed" email.
**Copy the code** before accessing the page with the student-athletes to be validated for the Form 3 Workflow by the Head Coach clicking on "**this page**"
Tip! **Copy the Code from the email.** From a PC Press [[ctrl]] + [[c ]] or for a [[Mac is ]]**Command-C**
Copy the Code into the field named "Inform the Request Code" and then click "Next" and the field for email address is not required.
The **Head Coach** will see all those **Eligible Student-Athletes** for their **approval or removal** in the Form 3 workflow.
The **Head Coach** can review Previous Colleges attended, Sports Participation and Seasons of Competition.
Click "Next" to **approve** all the student-athletes.
Alert! If a Head Coach wants to **remove** a student-athlete, the **Head Coach must type in the Coach's Notes area a reason why**. For example, the student-athlete quit, was cut, stopped showing up, etc.
To remove a student-athlete from progressing onto the Form 3 workflow a Head Coach must type why in the Coach's Notes area by clicking on the row of that student-athlete and the pencil icon that will appear.
The Head Coach will type in their notes. Then click outside of the notes area.
The "Save" button will then appear at the bottom of the page and the Head Coach can "Save" the note for the **student-athlete to be removed**.
The Head Coach can also Click "Cancel" to not save this note and/or action of removal.
Click "Next" to finalize approval process by **Head Coach**.
The **Head Coach** will select the radio button "**Yes - I confirm**" to approve the actions listed above.
The **Head Coach** will Click "Next" to validate the student-athletes who are approved to continue on the **Form 3 workflow** for initial verification for Athletic Director approval and Commissioner verification.
**Removals -** If the Head Coach needs to remove someone they will select the radio button "**No-I need to make other adjustments**" and Click "Next."
This action is required to remove a student-athlete by adding a note as to why they are removing the student-athlete.
To adjust a student-athlete to be **removed**. Click on the row of the student-athlete in the column Coach's Notes and select the pencil icon to type in why.
Click "Do you confirm the changes?"\
Yes - I confirm\
No - I need to make other adjustments
The **Head Coach** will select the radio button "**Yes - I confirm**" to approve the actions listed above. Click "Next"