Technician Service Request Walkthrough on Mobile | Scribe

    Technician Service Request Walkthrough on Mobile

    • Craig Bartholomew |
    • 16 steps |
    • 4 minutes
      Tap on "New" from the Dashboard to view a list of service requests that are waiting
      Tap on the service request you want to view the details of. \*\*\*Tip - if you want to see the full list-view, turn your phone to landscape view.
      Review the details of the request. When you are ready to start working on this request, scroll down to the bottom of the service request detail page and click "Accept This Request".
      You'll be asked when do you expect the request to be completed. Select the appropriate date. \*\*\*Note - the typical response is "Today", but may be tomorrow or a future date if you know you will need to order parts or the repair will run into the next day.
      As you start to diagnose the repair, use the text field at the bottom of the page to add your repair notes. \*\*\*Note - these are internal notes only seen by personnel from your company. You will be able to input Resident-facing notes in a future step.
      Once you have entered your note, tap "Send". \*\*\*Tip - if you use the microphone button on your keyboard, you can dictate your notes into this field. This works for in English and Spanish language settings.
      To add photos, tap on the camera icon.
      Choose whether to take a photo with your camera or from your photo bucket.
      Take the photo with your camera and tap "Choose".
      You can add additional context to the photo if you like. For example, if you have multiple photos of the issue, you might want to label this photo "damage seal #1".
      Continue to document the repair using the internal notes field at bottom of the page (steps take, additional actions required, etc). Be sure to add your completion notes. Tap "Send" when complete.\ \ \*\*\*Tip - IF you are unable to fully complete the request, be sure to add notes to that effect so your manager can take further actions. Consider using emoji's to call out that additional action needs to be taken. (For example, "🚩🚩🚩 We need a new faucet and have none in stock. Please place this request on-hold and order a new faucet. 🚩🚩🚩.")
      Tap "Complete This Request" button.
      Add Resident-Facing Notes. \*\*\*Note - your resident will see these notes, so please be professional!
      Tap "Complete" when satisfied with the Resident-facing completion notes.
      The Request is now complete and your manager has been notified that the request is available for review. Tap the back button to go back to the list view & navigate to the dashboard if desired.
      On the Dashboard, the "NOC" counter has been updated to reflect you've completed the last request. Select the next request you are going to work on and repeat the process outlined above.