Templates: Update or Extend A Contingent Worker Appointment In UCPath | Scribe

    Templates: Update or Extend A Contingent Worker Appointment In UCPath

    • Avry Schellenbach |
    • 26 steps |
    • 3 minutes
    • UniversityofcaliforniaUniversityofcalifornia
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    Navigate to **UCPath**: <https://ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu/home>
    On the left navigation pane, click **PeopleSoft Homepage.**
    Screenshot of the UCPath Online landing page with the "PeopleSoft Homepage" button highlighted.
    On the **Workforce Administration** homepage, click the **HR Tasks** tile.
    This opens you to the **Search/Match** page.
    Click on the **Smart HR Templates** folder.
    Open the **Smart HR Transactions** page.

    Select Template & Start Transaction

    **Select Template** from the lookup menu or type in the template code.
    To add a new CWR appointment, select either the **Update/Extend CWR Appointment** or **Extend CWR (with Position) Appointment** template. **Remember!** CWRs who supervise someone at UC Berkeley typically have a position.
    Add the appropriate **Effective Date** - this is the date the update goes into effect.
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    **Note:** this is the only time you will be able to adjust (1) the template choice and (2) the Effective Date. Ensure these values are correct before creating your transaction.
    Click **Create Transaction.**
    Add the CWR's **Empl ID**.
    Select the **CWR Empl record** that needs the update.
    Select the appropriate **Action.** There are two options: 1. **CWR Job Update:** choose this action to update job data, like department, location, job code, supervisor, etc. 2. **Contingent Worker Extension:** choose this action if you need to extend their expected job end date. *In our example, we need to update their supervisor, so we will select CWR Job Update.*
    Select the appropriate **Action Reason.** For CWR Job Updates there are several Reason code options, depending on what needs updating: - Data update - Department change/transfer - Job code change - Location code change - Reports to change *In our example, we need to update their supervisor, so we will select CWR Reports to Change.*
    Click **Continue.**

    Make the Update