The Basics of Prompting | Scribe

The Basics of Prompting

  • Tom Osman |
  • 0 step |
  • 50 seconds
  • SynthflowSynthflow
Once you're inside of your Assistant in Synthflow, go to the Prompt tab.
With every new Synthflow Assistant we give you a base prompt to work from. This base Prompt is divided into 3 parts.
First we have the Background Info. - Introduction - Product or Service Information - Target Audience - Value Proposition - Location Note Now you can add or remove information here good information here will provide your Assistant with a good grounding on how to conduct conversations.
Next we want to provide your Assistant with a guide on how to handle Objections. For example, as an Outbound Assistant making calls to potential customer we want to give it some context on how the conversation might go and what pushback to expect. By giving it an "Instruction" the Assistant will know what to do if confronted with each query. The more information here the better.
Tweak these Objection Handling instructions according to the type of Assistant you are building.
Next, we have the Script Instructions. This is arguably the most important part as this will be how your Assistant holds the conversations and what it says. Describe it step-by-step in a way that takes the end user from beginning to end.
Here you can see a 6 step conversation with some simple instructions at each phase. To add more options, give it some more IF this happens, DO that type instructions.
Finally we have "Additional Information". This is something you could start without but when you test your Assistant here would be where you give it additional guidelines or instructions to follow.
Examples here would be "Don't break Character" or guidelines to mitigate the risks of Jailbreak Attempts like "forget all previous instructions".
Additionally if you want to use Co-Pilot to help create your Prompt you can do that by clicking "Ask Co-Pilot".
Once open, follow the instructions and tell it about the Type of Assistant you want to create.
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