Tour Tracking: Enablement, Alerts & Reporting | Scribe
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Tour Tracking: Enablement, Alerts & Reporting
Navigate to [](
Click "Settings" & "Sign In Features"
If "Enable Tour Tracking" isn't already checked, check the box next to it.
Click "Save"
Click "Settings" & "Alerts"
You should see an alert titled "Tour Alert" - click the edit icon next to it.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and view your staff list. Any staff member's who's phone or email is checked here will receive a notification when someone signs in through the Tour flow at the kiosk. You can check multiple staff members.
If you don't see a staff member listed here, but you do want them to receive the Tour Alert, navigate to the Staff page in the Dashboard and edit the staff member to grant them Dashboard Access. Once granted, their name should be listed here.
Click "Update" once you're done editing your Alert.
Click "Guide" & "Tours"
The Tours landing page provides insight into occupancy (empty beds), tour counts and open prospect details. The Prospects table at the bottom will list everyone that has signed-in with that Tour kiosk flow. Click on a person's name to see their details.
Click "EDIT" to add notes or additional details to their account.
Keeping their Status as Prospect will keep them in the Prospects Table.
Change their status to Lost if this person decided not to move into your community. Their account will be moved onto the Reports page moving forward.
Change their status to Won if they did decide to move into your community. This will move their account to the Resident tab and they will appear as an active resident in your roster moving forward.
Click "Save" once you're done updating their account.
In that Prospect Table, if a prospect tours multiple times, you can check the box next to their multiple entries and click "Merge" - you can also click "Add" if there is a tour that didn't utilize the kiosk Tour flow to sign-in.
From the Tours Overview page, "REPORTS"
This page shows a list of Prospect Residents that have been identified through our Tour flow. Adjust the date range & click "Run Date Range" to see large or small amounts of reporting.
Back on the Tours Overview page, you should see Occupancy graphs. We fill in that data utilizing your active Resident list in the dashboard and your communities current bed counts.
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