Training Implementation: Bulk Uploading Users into Learning Plans | Scribe

    Training Implementation: Bulk Uploading Users into Learning Plans

    • 22 steps
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    Last updated 7/26/24.
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    Having trouble? [Submit your bulk upload for us to run.](
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    Please follow these steps in order. You won't be able to add users to a group until after you've created them in the system.

    Preparing Your Files

    Assemble a list of your users using our template or your own system.
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    The file must be a CSV (.csv) type file and contain the following information for each user: 1. Username (Email address) 2. First Name 3. Last Name 4. Email address 5. Branch code (Displayed on the blue banner in your Admin Panel) Additional fields include: 1. Active (yes/no) 2. Expire on (YYYY-MM-DD) 3. UID (Institutional ID number) 4. Role (user's role or job title) 5. Contact information for the TA they should contact if there are issues with the training [A template and full list of optional fields can be found in the Bulk Upload guide here.](
    ## What are CSV (.csv) files? **Comma-Separated Values (CSV)** files store tabular data in plain text. Each line of a CSV file is a data record/row. Each record/row consists of one or more fields/columns separated by a delimiter. CSV files can be created with a number of software programs (i.e. Excel, Google Sheets, Notepad, TextEdit, Emacs). The content within the file must follow the CSV Standard format and the file must have a “.csv” file extension. ## How are CSV files generally formatted? CSV files should follow a standard format: - Fields/columns are separated by a single character delimiter, typically a comma or semicolon. - Each record/row is terminated by a new line. - All records/rows have the same number of fields/columns in the same order. - The first record/row may be a header that contains the field/column names of each field/column. - Data within each field is interpreted as a sequence of characters or plain text. - Any field may be quoted within double-quote characters. - A field should be quoted when it contains one or more special characters. - Leading and trailing spaces are considered part of the data in a field. ## How are CSV files used to create and update user accounts? User accounts in your platform consist of a number of **user data fields.** Each of these fields may or may not be populated with data, depending on which fields you’ve filled out when creating the user. To create a user, you should at least populate the user fields that are mandatory for creating a user account (username and any mandatory user additional field). To update an existing user account, you’ll need to update the relevant user fields of the user account with new data. Both creating and editing users (either one user at a time or multiple users at a time) can be done manually, or by importing user data fields into the platform via a CSV file. For the second option, each user account that you intend to create or update is represented by a record/row in the CSV file. Each user data field is represented by a field/column in the file. Import the CSV file to the platform, then map the contained data to the corresponding user fields supported by the platform. By doing so, you’re creating and updating user accounts.

    Bulk Uploading Users to the System

    Login to your account at [](
    Click on Manage My Learners.
    Then click, Import and Manage.
    Click "CSV"
    You can drag and drop it into the upload section of the slideout panel, or press the **Browse** button to find the file.
    Once uploaded, press the ***Advanced Settings*** title to view the additional settings. The system is configured to automatically detect the **Field Separator**, which is needed in order to organize the information by columns. Information can be additionally organized by a comma, a semicolon, or manually, depending on your needs.
    Then, flag the option that the first row is considered a **Header** (only if this fits your CSV file format), and select the **File Charset** from the dropdown menu. As for the File Charset, we recommend UTF-8, which is standard. Please remember to use quotation marks to delimit the text content. Press **Confirm** to upload your .csv file.
    Click "CONFIRM"
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    Do not use the header, "User ID." The required headers are: Username, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password, Active, and Branch Code.
    Adjust your import options and map the UE Learning Portal Fields to the fields from your file. [You can find a more detailed guide on uploading users here](

    Enrolling Learners in Groups

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    This is a quick overview of enrolling learners in groups. View our detailed [Creating & Managing Groups guide]( for more assistance.