How to Edit an Asset in Trakopolis | Scribe

    How to Edit an Asset in Trakopolis

    • Tyler Watson
      Click "Administration"
      Under Assets > click "Assets"
      You can search for your asset you want to edit in the search box or find it below in the list.
      Once you locate the asset you want to make changes to click "Edit"
      You can name your asset, we recommend this is something that is easily identifiable to anyone looking at Trakopolis. This can be a Truck/Unit Number printed on the vehicle, license plate, GPS tag number, or whatever you would like it to be.
      If you have asset groups, you can add these assets to the group by clicking the appropriate checkbox here.
      This field is optional and good for any notes that should remain with the assets. This can be things like "dent on door, always should have a latter, etc"
      Then depending on the asset type you have, you can edit the remaining fields with the appropriate information.
      You can add a icon/image to your asset which will reflect on the icon for the list and map view. You can choose from one of the already added images or choose to upload your own. These can be anything you would like them to be.
      To upload your own image, click here.
      Depending on your asset and tracker, at the top, you can edit/change other aspects of your asset such as "Fuel", "Engine Hours/Odometer", "GPS Drift", etc.
      Once you are happy with your edits, make sure to click save.
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