Transferring Itineraries | Scribe

Transferring Itineraries

  • 4 steps
  • WetuWetu
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Getting Started

Navigate to the Itinerary Builder under Trip solutions. You can transfer both Existing Personal and Existing Sample Itineraries, however for this example, we will work with Personal Itineraries.

Transferring an Itinerary or Component

Click on 'Personal Itineraries'. From the drop-down menu in the Consultant column, select the name of the Consultant from who you would like to transfer an Itinerary. \ \ This will bring up a list the itineraries that Consultant has created. Select the Itinerary you would like to transfer and click on 'Transfer'.
Click on 'Personal Itineraries'. From the drop-down menu in the Consultant column, select the name of the Consultant from who you would like to transfer an Itinerary. \
This will bring up a list the itineraries that Consultant has created. Select the Itinerary you would like to transfer and click on 'Transfer'.
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**Note:** Transferring another consultant's itinerary to your profile will completely move it from that user profile to yours. Should you wish to have the itinerary in both accounts, rather make a copy of the Itinerary first, and transfer the copy instead. Please refer to the article [How do I Copy an Itinerary ]( learn more.
Clicking on Transfer will prompt the system to ask if you are sure you would like to continue the Transfer. Click 'Transfer Itinerary' to confirm and assign the Itinerary.
Once you have successfully transferred the itinerary, it will then be listed in the Itinerary Browser of the Consultant who it has. From there you can edit, and have the itinerary output reflect your contact details.