In some instances, an operator may see that they have triggered "0" events on their "In The Field" scorecard, even though they have indeed triggered events. There are three settings on the scorecard that may affect the number of events included or the scorecard visibility. Let's take a look.
Navigate to Scorecards
Please note, you must have "Operator Scorecard Management" user permissions in order to view this feature.
First, we will need to navigate to your scorecards. You can do this in two ways. Click on the "Telematics" service module.
Now, select "Tools" in the top navigation bar.
Click "Operator Scorecard Management"
You can also navigate to the "AI Dash Cam" service module.
Click "Operator Scorecard Management"
Checking Scorecard Settings
Now, find the scorecard that is displaying within the mobile application. The scorecard that has "Set scorecard for mobile app visibility" checked is the scorecard operators will see.
First, ensure that the scorecard is accounting for all branches.
The branch filter can affect how many events an operator will see. For example, if the scorecard is set to only include "Branch A" assets, then an operator who triggered 10 AI Dash Cam events while driving an asset in Branch B will see "0" events. This is because the scorecard is only displaying events triggered on assets within the filtered branch.
Second, ensure that the scorecard include the events you expect to see. If a scorecard does not include events, such as "Excessive Idle" events, then the operator would not see any events triggered for that category.
Third, the AI Dash Cam scorecard section has additional considerations. You have the option for the scorecard to include "All Events" triggered regardless of the event status, or
to include "Coachable Events Only." If only "Coachable Events" are included, the scorecard takes into consideration the status of events and only events that have the status of "Coaching Needed" or "Coached" will display.
In other words, "New" triggered events will not be included within the scorecard. Events marked as "No Coaching Needed" will also not be included in the event count within the scorecard.
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