UAHT STUDENTS: Moves Files from Google Drive to OneDrive | Scribe

    UAHT STUDENTS: Moves Files from Google Drive to OneDrive

    • Douglas Sloan |
    • 0 step |
    • 59 seconds
    • MicrosoftMicrosoft
    • Google DriveGoogle Drive
    • SharepointSharepoint
    • Google AccountGoogle Account
    • GoogleGoogle
    Navigate to [](
    Click "Sign in" it will ask for your UAHT student email. EX:(
    Enter your email password.
    After sighing in look at the top right and you will see your initials, click the dots
    Click Drive
    Click "My Drive"
    Right Click and create a new folder. We will move all the files into that folder for easier download.
    We will now move the files into the dedicated folder.
    You can move each file individually, highlight multiple files, hit ctrl+ shift and click and move the files to the labeled folder. Ex:(My Student Files.)
    Click here.
    Click the folder that has all of the files you wish to download. Ex: (My Student Files.)
    Click the symbol and download the selected folder. It will download the files it will save it to your download folder on your pc or laptop.
    Google will download the folder in a .ZIP format. you will need to open it and move the folder to wither your desk top or documents folder.
    In a new tab, navigate to [](
    Login to your new college email. Ex: (
    Locate and click "OneDrive"
    Click "My files"
    Click "Add new"
    Click "Folder upload"
    Locate the file on your pc or laptop. Click the folder and click upload.
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