UHC: Contracting (New & Transfer) | Scribe

    UHC: Contracting (New & Transfer)

    • Byron Edwards |
    • 13 steps |
    • 2 minutes
    • SirconSircon
    • iCloudiCloud
    • Icloud-SandboxIcloud-Sandbox
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    Instrucciones en español - <https://scribehow.com/shared/UHC_Contratacion_Nuevo_y_Transferencia__iOySiZktSWStb71qxNCMfQ>
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    Alert! Continue below if you are new to United Healthcare. If you have already completed the contracting steps and need to start certifications, jump to step 6.
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    Alert! Please contact Contracting at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) for all requests such as help with a link, resending a link, etc.
    Navigate to your email inbox and look for the email from: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with the subject, "Contracting Information From Spark Insurance Services".
    Scroll down and click "Get Started." The link is here if your link is not working: [https://px.sircon.com/getPassword.do](https://px.sircon.com/getPassword.do)
    If you already have a password, enter it. If not, click "Get My Password"
    After reviewing the instructions, click "Start"
    Click through the questions, which includes background information and signature requests. Click submit and print / save your contracting application.
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    Once you've successfully completed the initial onboarding steps, you'll receive a confirmation email from: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with the subject, "[Your Name] UnitedHealthcare has received your contracting request".
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    Alert! After your contracting application has been reviewed, you will receive an email inviting you to start certifications.
    You will receive an email directing you to go to United Healthcare's portal called "Jarvis." You will be assigned a "Party ID", which enables you to access Jarvis. Note: this is not the same as your writing number. Navigate to Jarvis at: [https://www.uhcjarvis.com/content/jarvis/en/sign_in.html#/sign_in](https://www.uhcjarvis.com/content/jarvis/en/sign_in.html#/sign_in)
    Click "Sign in with One Healthcare ID"
    Enter you existing One Healthcare ID or email address and password and then click "Sign In"
    Click on "Knowledge Center"
    Click "Training & Certifications"
    Click "Learning Lab"
    Click "Launch Learning Lab"
    In the learning lab, you will see your required courses. Make sure you complete "[year] certifications" to sell all UHC products, except for CSNPs and DSNPs. To sell CSNPs and DSNPs you are required to complete an additional course called "Products and Events." Do not forget to complete that if you plan to sell DSNPs or CSNPs.
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    Alert! You should receive a ready-to-sell notification with your writing number within 2 days of completing certifications.