Understanding Cloud Storage Metadata | Scribe

    Understanding Cloud Storage Metadata

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 9 steps |
    • 30 seconds
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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    Refer to this guide to learn how to create an Object Storage in GCP\ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Playing_with_Object_Storage_in_GCP__Cloud_Storage__nEbsQl7pQ02uoOi7v9IeZA>
    Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
    Type "**Cloud Storage"** in the search bar and click on the **Cloud Storage** option
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    **What is Cloud Storage?**\ \ In Google Cloud Platform (GCP), **Cloud Storage** is a service that provides scalable and secure object storage for unstructured data. It allows you to store, retrieve, and manage data like images, videos, backups, and other large files. GCP Cloud Storage offers different storage classes (e.g., Standard, Nearline, Coldline, and Archive) to optimize cost and performance based on data access patterns. It also includes features like automatic redundancy, versioning, and integration with other GCP services.
    **Buckets** wizard will open, click on the Name **my-first-bucket-in28minutes-2**
    **my-first-bucket-in28minutes-2** wizard will open, click on the Name **index.html**
    Scroll to the **Overview** section, here you can view the non editable meta data
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    **What is non editable Meta data?**\ \ Non-editable metadata refers to data associated with an object or file that cannot be modified by the user. This metadata is typically set automatically by the system or service managing the data and includes information such as creation time, file size, or other system-generated details.
    Click on the **EDIT METADATA** button
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    **What is Metadata?**\ \ Metadata is data that provides information about other data. It describes and gives context to the content, such as its creation date, author, file type, size, and other attributes. Metadata helps in organizing, managing, and retrieving data more efficiently. For example, in a photo, metadata might include the date the photo was taken, the camera settings, and the location where it was captured.
    **Edit object metadata** wizard will open, here you can modify and edit the metadata of the Cloud Storage Object
    Scroll to the **Custom metadata** section, here you can add the Custom metadata
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    **What is Custom metadata?**\ \ In Google Cloud Platform (GCP), **custom metadata** refers to user-defined key-value pairs that you can attach to objects stored in Google Cloud Storage. This metadata allows you to add additional information or labels to your objects, making it easier to organize, categorize, and manage your data. For example, you might add custom metadata to indicate the owner of the file, the environment (e.g., production or staging), or other relevant details specific to your use case. Custom metadata is stored alongside the object and can be used to filter and search for objects within GCP.
    After modifying and adding the Custom metadata scroll the wizard and click on the **SAVE** button to apply the changes
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