1. **Command**: `gcloud compute instances list`\
Lists all VM instances in the project, showing details like name, zone, and status.
2. **Command**: `gcloud compute zones list`\
Lists all available zones in GCP where resources can be created, along with their statuses.
3. **Command**: `gcloud compute regions list`\
Lists all available regions in GCP, providing information on geographic locations for resource deployment.
4. **Command**: `gcloud compute machine-types list`\
Lists all available machine types in all zones, showing the various VM configurations available.
5. **Command**: `gcloud compute machine-types list --filter="zone:us-central1-b"`\
Lists all available machine types specifically in the `us-central1-b` zone, filtering out others.
6. **Command**: `gcloud compute machine-types list --filter="zone:(us-central1-b europe-west1-d)"`\
Lists all available machine types in both the `us-central1-b` and `europe-west1-d` zones, filtering to show only those zones.