Understanding Compliance in Azure - Compliance Hub | Scribe

    Understanding Compliance in Azure - Compliance Hub

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 10 steps |
    • 53 seconds
    • AzureAzure
    Search for **Service Trust Microsoft** in any browser Click on the first link with the domain address - [servicetrust.microsoft.com](https://servicetrust.microsoft.com/)
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    **What is Microsoft Serice Trust Portal?**\ \ The Microsoft Service Trust Portal (STP) is a platform provided by Microsoft that offers transparency and insights into the privacy, security, and compliance practices of Microsoft cloud services, including Azure, Microsoft 365, and Dynamics 365.
    On the landing page scroll to the **Certifications**, **Regulations and Standards** section, here you can view all the insights for the below services
    Scroll to the **Reports, Whitepapers and Artifacts** section, here you can view all the insights for the below services
    Scroll to the **Industry and Regional Resources** section, here you can view all the insights for the below services
    Scroll to the **Resources for your Organization** section to view the Documents based on your organization's subscription and permissions
    Scroll to the **Compliance Program for Microsoft Cloud** section, click on the **Compliance Program features** link on the right side
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    **What are Compilance Program features?**\ \ Compliance Program features encompass a range of capabilities designed to help organizations achieve and maintain compliance with regulatory standards, industry regulations, and internal policies. These features typically include tools for conducting compliance assessments and audits, managing policies and procedures, identifying and mitigating risks, providing training and awareness, generating reports and documentation, and implementing continuous monitoring mechanisms.
    **Compliance Program for Microsoft Cloud** page will open, scroll to the **Learn more about the Compliance Program** section and here you can view all the details of the Compliance Program
    Scroll to the **Microsoft compliance** section and click on **Learn more** link on the left side to view Microsoft compliance
    **Microsoft Compliance** page will open, scroll to the **Regulatory & industry compliance** section and here you can view all the Microsoft guidance on compliance
    Scroll to the **Service assurance** section, here you can view Risk Assessment Guide, Architecture and other assurance programs from Microsoft
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