Understanding Pods in Kubernetes | Scribe

    Understanding Pods in Kubernetes

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 5 steps |
    • 12 seconds
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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    Please review the previous lab on Kubernetes Deployments with YAML Declaration Configurations before proceeding with this lab. \ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Exploring_Kubernetes_Deployments_with_YAML_Declarative_Configurations__XX33tRYdScuiv9pp1BrovQ>
    Open the **CLOUD SHELL** Terminal
    On the Cloud Shell CLI, type the command [[kubectl get pods]]
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    **What is [[kubectl get pods]]command?**\ \ The command `kubectl get pods` retrieves and displays a list of all Pods in the Kubernetes cluster. It shows details such as Pod names, statuses (e.g., Running, Pending, Failed), the number of restarts, and the nodes on which the Pods are running. This command is useful for monitoring the state and health of your Pods.
    Information of the pods is displayed
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    **What are pods in GCP?** Pods in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are the smallest and simplest Kubernetes objects that you can create and manage. A pod represents a single instance of a running process in your cluster and can contain one or more containers.
    To get the deployment, type the command [[kubectl get deployment]]
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    **What is [[kubectl get deployment]]command?** \ \ The command `kubectl get deployment` retrieves and displays information about all Deployments in the Kubernetes cluster. It provides details such as the names of the Deployments, the number of desired and current replicas, the number of updated and available replicas, and their current status. This command helps you monitor and manage the Deployments running in your cluster.
    Information of deployments is displayed
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