Understanding Services in Kubernetes | Scribe

    Understanding Services in Kubernetes

    • Hafeez Baig |
    • 5 steps |
    • 16 seconds
    • Google CloudGoogle Cloud
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    Refer to this guide to learn How to Create a GKE cluster\ <https://scribehow.com/shared/Kubernetes_Journey__Creating_a_GKE_Cluster__V1ghk2_MQNWb0oZ28v6dIQ>
    Sign in into the **Google Cloud Platform**
    Type "**Load balancing**" in the search bar and click on the **Load balancing** option
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    **What is Load balancing?**\ \ Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers or resources to ensure no single server becomes overwhelmed, improving responsiveness and availability. In Kubernetes, it distributes requests across multiple pods to maintain efficient resource use and provide high availability.
    **Load balancing** wizard will open, click on the Load Balancer Name **Note:** This Load Balancer is created by the GKE cluster.
    **Load Balancer** wizard will open, here you can view all the details like Frontend and Backend for the Load Balancer
    Scroll to the **Instance** section, here, you can see that the GKE cluster has created two VM instances, allowing the load to be balanced between them.
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